Manage images as OCI image layout

Build, sign, push, and verify images as OCI image layout

OCI image layout is a directory structure that contains files and folders that refer to an OCI image. OCI image layout is defined in OCI image spec.

When you sign an image after it is pushed to a registry, it is possible that you are not signing the correct image. You also may not be certain that the image hasn’t been altered. Using OCI image layout, you can sign images on local disk before pushing them to the remote registry. Signing an image before you push it a registry provides helps ensure you are signing the correct image, and consumers of that image can verify that same image.

Create OCI image layout for an image

Use docker buildx build with the --output type=oci flag to create an OCI image layout for an image.

For example, create a Dockerfile with the following content:

FROM alpine
CMD echo 'hello world!'

Use docker buildx create and docker buildx build to create an OCI image layout for the image defined in the Dockerfile.

docker buildx create --use
docker buildx build . -f Dockerfile -o type=oci,dest=hello-world.tar -t hello-world:v1

The above example sets output=hello-world.tar to save the OCI image layout as a tar file named hello-world.tar. To view the OCI image layout as a directory structure, extract the tar file.

mkdir hello-world
tar -xf ./hello-world.tar -C hello-world

Sign an image as an OCI image layout

To sign an existing image as an OCI image layout, enable the NOTATION_EXPERIMENTAL environment variable and use the notation sign command with the --oci-layout flag. The following example enables the NOTATION_EXPERIMENTAL environment variable, creates a self-signed certificate, and signs the image hello-world:v1 as an OCI image layout.

notation cert generate-test --default
notation sign --oci-layout ./hello-world:v1

Use notation list --oci-layout to list signatures associated with an OCI image layout.

notation list --oci-layout ./hello-world:v1

Verify an image as an OCI image layout

You can verify an image as an OCI image layout using notation verify --scope and setting registryScopes in your trust policy. For example, the following trust policy has registryScopes set to local/hello-world:

 "version": "1.0",
 "trustPolicies": [
         "name": "local-images-policy",
         "registryScopes": [ "local/hello-world" ],
         "signatureVerification": {
             "level" : "strict"
         "trustStores": [ "" ],
         "trustedIdentities": [

The following command imports permissive-trustpolicy.json:

notation policy import ./permissive-trustpolicy.json

Use notation verify with --scope set to the same value you set in your trust policy to verify the image against signatures:

notation verify --oci-layout ./hello-world:v1 --scope "local/hello-world"

Push an OCI image layout to a remote registry

You can push an image to a remote registry as an OCI image layout on local disk using the oras CLI.

If you need a remote registry, you can create and run an OCI-compatible registry on your development computer using the distribution/distribution with the image deletion enabled. The following command creates a registry that is accessible at localhost:5001.

docker run -d -p 5001:5000 -e REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED=true --name registry registry

Use oras cp to push the OCI image layout to the remote registry. For example:

oras cp ./hello-world:v1 --from-oci-layout -r localhost:5001/hello-world:v1

Use notation list and notation verify to list and verify the image signatures. For example:

notation list localhost:5001/hello-world:v1
notation verify localhost:5001/hello-world:v1

OCI-compliant registries

For a full list of OCI-compliant registries compatible with notation, see OCI-compliant registries.